Friday, December 17, 2010


You know what really grinds my gears?....(Family Guy reference for the cool cats, out there)....

Cell phone etiquette. Or...lack there of.

Gross. Ive officially become a person who says " lack there of". When did I become my 6th grade English teacher? Soon Ill be saying, "Heaven to Betsy!"...or...." by and by."

If Im saying something cool like...

- "Heaven to Betsy, your 14 year old mail order boyfriend from Singapore sure knows how to scrub a bathtub!"...or......

-" Im dating a hot set of Scandinavian porn stars who are bi and bi...."

Then thats fine.

Any other use of those terms from 1948 out of my sweet, warbling lips....and please shoot me in the temple and put a sad ageing queen out of her dark and painful misery.

When did it become okay for us to be trapped in a semi confined space, and for you to pick up your cell phone.....( and you KNOW the ringtone is Nicki Minaj)....and just start in... like youre all curled up all comfy cozy in your leopard print beanbag, eating Fritos, and drawing hearts with an over sized sparkle pen? I understand that Keesha told your best friend that the new guy at your school named DeShawn said to someone during homeroom that he thinks youre cute.....but...GIRL! Right in my face? Unless DeShawn thinks that Im cute....take the shiz down a peg. I dont want to hear it.

Also....YOU, douche businessman. MMMhhmm....YOU! Greying temples. You drink Seven & Seven. Lots of nose hair. I know Tom is calling you with facts and figures, and projections....and know....other republican office jargon.....but....Im stuck in the seat next to you on this airplane, and you cant wait? You cant wait 10 minutes for the plane to unload...

( HA! " unload")

Listen....youre not the only one who is busy in life. I need to get to my couch so I can sit on it and complain to Russ that Im cold, and also..... where the shit is dinner.?!?!? Then I have famous people to party with, and at SOME POINT.......I have to drink too much in some tranny bar and vomit in a dumpster.


So maybe YOURE not the only one. But I can wait 10 minutes.

But NOT if Im on the couch, and NOT if Russ is dragging ass. FOOD!!!!....MY MOUTH!!!!..


My fantasy is to get on the subway, plop myself down in between two unsuspectings.....Ill already have the phone to my ear as if Im mid conversation. Im talking loudly, but since Im on the subway now....and its even more noisy....I have to up the volume. I just took it from 5.5 to a full scale 8.

Lets listen in....


Ya, bro! I got that check from my yearly bonus....and I was like...WHOA! SCORE! What was that Fred? Oh...cant hear me???

( dials it up to 9)

CHECK! I GOT THE CHECK FROM MY YEAR END BONUS!.......( laughter)....Thats right my man! I got my wife on the next plane to Toledo to see her family, and immediately opened google, and searched hookers....Asian.....Boston.

( more laughter)

Right, Fred?.....Nothing like cheating on your wife with a paid sex worker.


Aw, Fred. You know what Im talkin' 'bout! Anyhow...I ordered up this real filthy slut who would do anything for $300.00. Man, she showed up, and I didnt even bother showering. Those china men dont mind a little stink balls. THEY EAT OCTOPUS HEARTS FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!

( thats when I look over at the elderly Asian woman across from me, and give a little wave.)

Anyhow Fred my man.....I started to do some stuff, and she got a little lippy 'cause she didnt like it. Thats when the ole back hand came in! I mean...$300.00!!!! Its like... Im not just GIVING this to like....I dont know..."help you out" and get you on a "better road". Earn that scratch, whore. Last time I looked....I didnt see "Salvation Army" tattooed on my ass cheeks. I DID see lots of hair and pimples though, so I guess she DID earn that $300.00, if she had to look at THAT all night!

( laughter, laughter)

You know what Fred? Exactly!!!! The large and inflamed hemroids! I almost forgot!!! ( laughter, laughter). That makes me EXTRA disgusting!

Anyhow, I slapped her off the bed, looked at her laying in a heap on the floor crying, naked....and thought to myself, "man....Im paying some China man $300.00 for what happens between me and the old lady EVERY NIGHT for free!" Why do good guys always finish last, Fred?

( laughter, laughter). You try to do good, and it just blows up in your face every time.

Oh, right now? Im on the subway. Headed over to some guys house Ive been talking to on Craigslist. Never did it with a dude, but he showed me a picture, and all dressed up he looks....well.....he looks an awful lot like one of the chicks here on the subway with me, but she looks more used up and skanky then he does. Kind of like her c-setion scar is the color of an eggplant. You know the botch jobs they used to do in the 70's? Like that. She FOR SURE has one. She was probably cute 5 years ago. Her skins a little grey.

Meh, I still would. Wife doesnt get home for 2 more days.....still plenty of sex to be had without I right, Fred?

( laughter, laughter)...Aw....anyhow, stop is here. Its not the best part of town, but unfortunately for me...meth dealers dont live out in the burbs. Shit, Im jonesing to tweak! Ill ping you later, boss. Maybe we can hit up a bar later and do some raping. Ill text you!"



Oh, no problem. I SAID MAYBE WE CAN RAPE SOME GIRLS LATER! .....What was that, Fred? RAID some girls??....NO......RAPE!!! GET THEM DRUNK AND RAPE THEM IN AN ALLEY!!

( laughter, laughter)

Awesome, dawg. Holla at me later. ( click)

Friday, December 3, 2010


Oh...hi, devoted fans!!!!! Im in Atlanta right now.

So, Clay Aiken fans are called Claymates. Beiber fans have Beiber fever. Adam Lambert has his Glam nation, and GaGa has her monsters.

What do I call all of you? You know by " you".....I mean my mother, my best friend...and some wierd guy in Sweden who keeps emailing me.

Give me your thoughts. VALIDATE ME!!!!

Oh, and Christmas is coming. Send me gifts. EVEN YOU, you filthy Jews.

hugs from the dirty south...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yah...THIS Is A Hot Mess Right Here.....

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I was watching "Good Morning America" this morning. Know why? Its morning. And Im in America.

Jesus!!!!! Pry much?

Cant I have one single moment without all of your dissecting eyes, picking me apart? Now I know how Madonna feels. My point is.........Im like Madonna. Im the Madonna of Dorchester, Massachusettes.

But less veiny. And less manly. And without 45 billion dollars.

So, on the show there is some yahoo evangelical preacher named Marcus Lamb, who couldnt keep his scorching penis of god, out of an eager vagina.

#1. You KNOW Marcus " Lamb", is his stage name. I see you Marcus! it...." Percy Crumb?" Ya.....its definitely Percy Crumb. Except Percy Crum doesnt get that sweet, sweet bible thumping poon! Marcus Lamb? Oh, he gets it. Dont you worry. He wakes up sore....EVERY MORNING! I guess he is the one who should be watching " Good Morning America." Get it? From all the sex? Do you? Forget it. You dont understand.

#2. He's not in the news because he did something truly holy like build homes for the down trodden. Nope. He is in the news because he likes a little strange. As in.....' a vagina. A VAGINA THAT ISNT THE ONE THAT HE IS MARRIED TOO!!!. He was being blackmailed by one of his sluts to pay up or she would come out and tell the world that.......

he sees nothing wrooooooooong.......

with a little bump and griiiiind.

( how did you like that sweet mind 90's song reference? Youre welcome. )

#3. I LOVE THIS SHIT! Love it love it love it. I love it when these ...

-preaching from the mountain top...
-chicklet teeth...
-Just For Men hair dye in "Jet Black"...
-hootin' and hollarin'...
-sweating like a big fat pig while they dance jigs from the spirit inside them...
-holier than thou dirtbags...

come tumbling down.

Its so tastey, that Im going to do 20 extra minutes of cardio, because something THIS delicious HAS to be love handle inducing.

You know what? F**K YOU Marcus....." Lamb!!!!". PERCY CRUMB!!!! I could care less if you bang every whore at mass on Sunday. Do some crazy German shit. Get a paraplegic involved. Work it out! Just please dont stand up there and preach at my sexy ass about sin, and god's vengeance, and repenting, and the rapture. If youre gonna talk about Rapture.....Im only interested in hearing about the fact that Blondie was the first person to actually rap in a song.

If you hate on hire 12 year old Taiwanese male prostitutes.

If you preach " HIS" word like a psycho bingo for sure have 14 baggies of crystal meth in your top drawer, and are a regular at " Desire. An Adult Oasis For The Discerning Gentleman.

We are all sick of your hypocrite asses. Shut your face....put your penis where you want to......and maybe keep the lord out of it. Half of his followers are already koo koo enough as it is.

But on a side note.......selfishly...keep it up. I like some entertainment with my coffee and Good Morning America.

And when I say " Good Morning America"....

You KNOW what Im talkin' 'bout.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


I would hate to think, that anything I ever said to someone.......caused them to commit suicide. Thats a burden I dont think I would be able to handle.

Right after September 11th.... a good friend of mine's father walked into a lake, and drowned himself. He had been battling depression, and had lost a ton of money in the attack. I saw my friend after I had heard the news, and I didnt know that a person could look that horrible, and NOT just have gone through intense chemo.

Over the past few months, Ive seen all of the coverage of people killing themselves and it really effects me.

Because what a lot of people dont that I tried to kill myself. I didnt succeed, and I saw first hand, the destruction that I wouldve caused.

My life has been hard. Thats not a complaint, just a fact. I was so decimated and broken on a daily basis, that I had to laugh to survive. Man...I could laugh and tap dance so well, NOBODY couldve possibly known that all I wanted to do was jump off a bridge, and be done with all of the rocks that life hurled at my face. I had to keep it up the song and dance, because I knew that big black hole grew bigger everyday. The one I wanted to jump into, and never return.

So FINE! Really!! IM OKAY!.... Nothing bothers me!!!!


Then one day I just didnt feel like it anymore. And one day I truly believed that I was awful, and bad, and I believed it like Id never believed anything before. Everyone was right. And I put on a dress shirt. I put on dress slacks. I found my nicest shoes, turned off the tv, and powered off my phone. Then I took bottles and bottles of drugs, and drank bottles and bottles of vodka...

and you know what? When I picked up the pictures of my family and friends, and laid them on top of me so I wouldnt be alone when I died....

I REALLY believed, that those very people would be happy to hear that I was they wouldnt have to deal with someone horrible like me, anymore.

On that day, I gave in to all the horrible words that people said to me, through out my life.

And no one found me for 24 hours.

I was barely alive.

And then the doctors said I wouldnt make it through the night.

And when they finally said I would live......they said I would have severe brain damage, when I woke up.

( that last detail is still up for debate.)


When I post a picture of my life.

When I talk freely about who I am, and what I do....and dont apologize for it.....

Its because I earned it.

I deserve it. All of us do.

These kids who are killing themselves.... shouldn't have to die, because all they want is to feel free.

Next time you say a word, or type a should think. REALLY REALLY REALLY think about the fact that you may read in the paper.... that the very person you talked to the week before in such a cruel way.........slit their wrists.

They'll be gone. And you'll be here. And their burden will be yours for the rest of your life, and the big black hole that they ran from, will chase you down to the end. And Im here to tell you right now.....that big black hole doesnt feel good.

We need to be more compassionate. People are dieing. I was damned near one of them.

Im too cute to die young.

Breath taking, really.........

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I was talking to my friend Lisa, yesterday. You know what I said to her? First I says.....I says..." Lisa! Stop asking me if I have 3 Negro friends who just got out of prison. Its not MY responsibility to help you carry out your rape fantasy. Post on Craigslist like everyone else! ( you know when I say "everyone", Im talking about my boyfriend, Russ........the MINUTE I go out of town.) Once that was settled, we went on to discuss the recent event that we have on our calender. The event, is a drag show. All 6 of you reading this, have already read my previous you know I love a drag show.

And just a side note.

Why the shit arent the 6 of you reading this, passing it along to your friends to read? CHRIST!!!! You all are DESPERATE for me to keep writing new blogs, but you think Im just gonna keep doing it for YOU yahoos?!?!?!? What does RYAN get out of it? You know what he gets? He gets his precious energy level depleted. Thats what. IM NOT YOUR SONG AND DANCE WHORE!

Who am I kidding? Yes, I am.

"Let me loosen up your collar, tell me....DO YOU WANNA SEE ME DO THE SHIMMY AGAIN?"

Back to drag. So...this particular show, is not taking place in a large, glamorous city, where a drag show blends seamlessly into the bustling urban landscape. Its taking place in Waterville. As in Waterville, Maine. As in CENTRAL MAINE. As in...... try taking a drive down main street this time of year, and enjoy the multitude of deer carcasses, tied down to car roofs, freshly killed. Listen to the honks of approval from passing motorists. Maybe youll even see some yokel, holding up his hand with a thumb down, index finger up, middle and ring fingers down, pinky up......nodding his head back and forth in a " FUCKIN" RIGHT!!!" motion.



Ya. THATS the Waterville Maine, that Im talking about. Now youre dieing to visit, arent you? Well, call The Hampton Inn early, stupids!!! Once this gets out, the shits gonna be BOOKED! And make sure you stop at a restaurant called Governor's. If you like the taste of rubber ass jizz infected with AIDS and bone crushing depression...then Governor's is the place for you.

You can see why Im gonna love this show. I mean...I love a GOOD drag show...but Im gonna love it just a little bit more, if its a total, chaotic train wreck. Did I mention that this is all going down, in WATERVILLE MAINE?

No...we need to stop again.

When I say Waterville, Maine.....what Im talking about is that there is a Walmart there. Okay?But...this......this is some crazy shit, this particular one. For anyone who gets lippy with me about moving to a place like Atlanta, Georgia. Please visit:

The Waterville Maine Walmart store. 80 Waterville Commons Dr - (207) 873-2730

Ive seen some things in there. Mostly retarded. Or in-bred. Or lesbian. Or a combo. Oh! and for sure.... some fetal alcohol. Lots of that. All united by dirty fingernails, peanut butter stained t-shirts, and the fact that you can smell their assholes from 50 paces.

Im telling you right now.....

Hampton Inn 207 873 0400. Call early!

When Lisa first told me about this show.....I mean....yes. She was giving me all the information. She listed the day, and the time...oh my! She was just as informative as she could be! But....beneath her words..... lay a sinister undertone. " Oh, wont it be so much fun!", was what she SAID. What she MEANT was....." Aw, God. Ryan......its gonna be a shit storm, and if you dont come, youre missing, and missing BIG!" What am I gonna do? say NO?

To really add to the already DELICIOUS concoction, is the fact that her friends Ann and John are coming. Ann and John are WONDERFUL people. Ann works with Lisa, and when I call her at work....Ann INSISTS on telling me what color panties she is wearing. Ill be all..." Oh, hi Ann. Such a treat to speak with you this fine afternoon".

" They're fucking purple, Ryan. PURPLE!!! And they are hugging my cha cha right now!!!!. You like that? Ive got a finger in, as we speak!" She is always whisper-y and grumble-y when she says this. Its inappropriate is what it is.

Sick, and inappropriate!

Ann is married to a hot silver fox, who has "hurt me daddy"....written all over him. I went to their house once, and anytime Ann left the room, John would punch me in the asshole, and then run his tongue over my eye lids. Dont act that isnt how you and your spouse flirted, when you were getting to know each other.

I kid. These guys are salt of the earth. They are awesome. And just so you know...I WASNT kidding about John being a silver daddy. Hi John. I know youre reading this......know how I know....???

Because Im ( Im pointing to my brain.)

( which is supposed to be YOUR brain...since Im talking about YOU) Meh, thatt one needs some work.

John is a straight who is cool with the gays. Upon my first meeting him at his house, he proudly displayed his arrangement of a twinky with 2 cupcakes at the bottom. He glided his hand across the x rated confection. I looked to his beaming face.

" Huh?......Huh?" is what it said. I was in love immediately.

While John is cool, he is experiencing some reservation about attending such an event. He is pretty 50/50 on whether he will go or not.

Thats what vodka is for!!!

We will go to dinner first. " Oh, John......listen to me", is what Ill say. " You go in, you ll hang out for 20 minutes. Not your thing? You can go" Ill bat my eyelashes, and hold up my hands in a " no pressure", stance.

Oh! Look!!! Who ordered that 4th Long Island Tea for you? Weird!!!!

In closing, I dont mean to shit on Waterville Maine. Its where I grew up, and look how awesome I turned out.

Really, with the face your making?

Im sure the show is more than likely going to be great. Ann and John will come ,and he'll have the time of his life. When I keep trying to explain to him that an anus is just tighter than a vagina....its just fact. Information that Im bestowing. Geesh! Its called..." broadening people's horizons."

The fact that Lisa keeps asking me if it would be as tight after a good rape session....inappropriate.

But not surprising.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Who would of thought that at the ripe old age of 27, Id still be learning new things about myself?

Um......You know what? You can take that little face youre making right now, and go screw, and go screw big time.



Fine. Thanks to botox and chemical peels, I have the FOREHEAD of a 27 year old. I have the sense of humor of retarded 13 year old, but the sagging nut sack and greying facial hair of your grand lets just say Im 36, and leave it.

CHRIST, cant a glamorous tranny lie about his age for a second, without all of you judgey whores riding him?

HA! Riding him......

Anyhoo. I have learned that I AM NOT a bed and breakfast, kind of guy.

Russ and I just went down to Atlanta for his nephew's christening. If you know me, then you KNOW how much I love sitting in a church. And just a side note......I dont care what religion it is.....I just find religious "rituals", creepy. With the exception of the "drinking wine"part. Im down with that. "Its all good father O' Leary...its 5 oclock somewhere! Fill ' er up! Your gin blossom nose tells me that you understand. And the felony charges that youre facing, tells me that you love a good high school wrestling match."

But in all fairness..... who doesnt?

So, back to the rituals. To me...its all one step away from holding up a snake while speaking in tongues, and slitting a goats throat in front a bon fire. When the priest asked all of us to renounce Satan, all I could think about was......" but isnt he the muscle-y shirtless one, who's WAY more fun? No thanks, sister Christian. Ill take big red with the quarter sized nipples and propensity for gang bangs, any day. Enjoy your fasting!"

Russ and I received a Christmas gift last year, from a website called Bed and They were two gift certificates.... each for $100.00. All you had to do was go to the site, find a registry of the B&B's who are affiliated with the company, book it, redeem your coupons, and then just go on ahead and bed and breakfast your face off. Since we knew we would be heading south for the christening...we decided to redeem the gift, for that trip.

Russ booked a B&B, that is located in the Virgina Highlands area of Atlanta. Its a funky, hip area of Atlanta that is right near the park, and has a ton of restaurants, shops, and bars. And you know daddy. He loves a bar. When we flew in, we didnt check into the B&B immediately. At about 5 pm, Russ got a call from the owner.....lets call her "Ann". She told Russ that she was expecting us, and since it was getting late...she would be leaving, but would hide our keys on the porch, so that we could let ourselves in, and that she would see us the following morning for breakfast, which she cooked and served herself.

We arrived around 6:30. It was a very garden-y, nick nack-y, tiffany lamp-y house, that I WILL say...DID possess a certain amount of charm. Our room was right off the front porch, but the big down side...our bathroom wasnt attached. We had to walk through a small hallway and through the dining room, to get to the bathroom. I wasnt thrilled about it, but I let it go. Russ DID have to explain the huge shiner he was sporting the next day, but he knows enough now to make up a really good story about how he fell down or was beaten up for being a huge sissy, by a gang of Mexicans.

"Isnt that right, Russ? Youre clumsy... arent you? ARENT YOU?!?!?! Answer me, boy!


See?!?!? Why do you make me hit you, when I love you so much!? Cause youre a WHORE!!! Im sorry baby, come give me a hug.

Just never book a bed and breakfast again, okay? I SAID, OKAY!!!???"

Its called, " a relationship."

Maybe you people should try it, someday.

I woke up the next morning, and Russ had already gotten up to use the bathroom. He told me that he had met Ann. She is in her late 60's, early 70's. She is 4ft 8in, and 90 pounds, soak and wet. She had those eye glasses that are kind of tinted grey, and she rocked a sweet side pony tail. Im not talking about low and near the nape of her neck. Im talking, up....near her ear. Just all of her hair, pulled into a tight, side pony. Like Crissy Snow, if she was an elven Jew.

We decided she was Paula Abdul's grandmother.

I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.....because I sleep naked, you guys. Are you picturing it? Are you? Just stark white sheets? Ya, try not to get any on your keyboard.

I tip toed into the dining room ,and I saw her. She was in the kitchen. I peaked my head in, and say hello. Adorable, right? I told her that I loved her home, and it was a pleasure to meet her. She stood up, and rushed at me in a desperate fervor. " You cant be in here with out shoes!!!! Its against health code, you need to go back and get something on your feet!!!" Her tone and style of delivery, was such that you wouldve thought that I had just rubbed my balls all over the butter knife. ( Again..enjoy the visual, just dont get anything on your keyboard. Geesh. horny, much?)

I was taken aback. I guess I can understand the code, but...I dont know....maybe she could've said, " Oh, its wonderful to meet you too, you hot sexy fag. Just a reminder...when you are in public areas, be sure to have on shoes. Breakfast is in twenty!" Instead, she decided to showcase her koo koo bird-ness......and oh dear reader.....there is more to come.

We went out to the dining room, and sat down with Ann. I guess she was pleasant enough, but she did start to go off about illegal immigrants, cried poverty, talked about how much she disliked Atlanta, and tried to get Russ and I to help her with a few things around the house. Which we wouldve done...if she wasnt Paula Abdul's grandmother. I love crazy, but I like it from a safe distance. I dont want to eat bagels with it.

We finished up, decided to shower and hit the gym, and we proceeded to unpack, and get showered. She asked us if she could grab a credit card from us, so tha tshe could run it, and get that all taken care of. Fair enough. Russ grabbed his card, and the 2 certificates. When she saw the gift certificates.......




god damned....


She exploded that she WOULD NOT take them, that if she had known that we planned on using them, she wouldnt've allowed us to stay there, that we were REALLY putting her out, and so on.,.and so on....and so on.....

Heres the thing.

Im usually the one who causes the uncomfortable moment. When I do it, it typically involves a Vicodin, 4 glasses of white, and the fact that I think rape jokes are HYSTERICAL.

Its cute when I do it.

When Im left really takes a lot....and miss thing made my jaw hit the floor. Russ and I stood, completely dumbfounded. She told us that the website docks her 20% from the total, and she hates doing it. I was left to ponder..." then why are you affiliated with that site?" Sometimes I like to really flaunt my high school education.

12 years!!!! Intimidated?

Because Russ is wonderful, he explained that the certificates were going to expire, and that we needed to use them. In exchange, we would pay any difference that she would lose from the website. That Russ!!! She BEGRUDGINGLY said that she would look into it, and would call us later.

Later that day, we did in fact get a voice mail from her, saying that she had made the call. She told us that she pulled her name from the site because she didnt feel like dealing with it any longer, but that she wouldn't charge us the 20% she would lose, and to just enjoy our stay.

Um....too late.

Russ and I were totally grossed out by Grammy Abdul, and just wanted to leave. When we gave her the card to pay for the remainder of our stay, she asked us to pay cash, so she wouldn't get docked credit card processing fees.

Russ...... politely...declined and handed her the card. I was ready to lose my shiz.

On our final morning, Russ had gotten up earlier than me, because its impossible for him to sleep past 6am while on vacation. When I got up, he was sitting on the porch with his lap top. He showed me the website "". On it, there were multiple reviews from other people, stating what a loony toons she was. That was Russ's bad for not looking there before he booked it.

Isnt it Russ?.....ISNT IT?!?!? ANSWER ME BITCH!


The moral of the story?......Ill just stay at a Marriott or Hyatt. I like my bathroom, actually IN my room.......and if you guys feel badly for my treatment of Russ, then feel free to send him MAC under eye concealer in " tawny".


Here are a few of the reviews from tripadvisor.

#1. The house and gardens were charming and the location was great, but it didn't make up for the owner. I went with my family and my long-term boyfriend and we used all 3 bedrooms. My mother received a discount for renting all 3 rooms, but when we got there my mom called Ann, who was not there to let us in, she said she wouldn't be serving us breakfast because of the discounted rate. This was never mentioned when my mom made the reservations. So we went grocery shopping and got some basics. Ann showed up the next morning and said she was confused and that she would make breakfast. She did reimburse us for part of the groceries we bought. After she left I found a note on the counter next to a chipped bowl that accused us of chipping the bowl (it was obviously an old crack) and that she was also missing a knife. Nice way to start the stay there. We left to go about our day, but when we returned that evening around 8:30 the screen door was locked and we couldn't get in. After ringing the bell several times she let us in. My suitcase had been moved around and looked like it had been gone through. On our last day she asked how long my boyfriend and I had been married and when I told her we weren't she said she would have to make a rule that only married couples could stay there. My sister went for a jog one morning and when she came back she put a towel on the chair and was sitting on the edge of the chair. Adele told her she couldn't sit down until she had a shower. The "missing" knife was in a tupperware container so I put it on the counter so she could see it. She picked it up and was holding it and then asked me where the missing knife was. I told her she was holding it, and she went on a long spiel about not wanting to nickle and dime us to death. Yeah, sure. I did like that the house had plaster walls so it was very quiet. The place has lots of potential to be great, but I wouldn't want to deal with the owner ever again.

#2. Friendly innkeeper but unusual behaviour. We shortened our stay and left early. Clean towels were scarce, we had to locate them ourselves, as only one bath towel and hand towel was provided initially, and there were two of us. Soiled towels were removed but not replaced. No snacks were offered. Two room temperature bottled waters were placed in our room, (no glasses) but only the first night. Innkeeper curled up on the sofa and napped all day, leaving dirty breakfast dishes on the dining table until late that night. The temperature in the house was either stifling hot or too chilly. No outside lights, one would step up into a dark porch area and have to find the keyhole in complete darkness. Our "private" bath, which was actually accessed by walking through the main house, had a window in the tub area that had no curtain. The glass was not frosted either. Would not have been a problem but the house next door is 3 stories and the neighbors could pretty much watch you take a shower. We had to wedge a hand towel with a shampoo bottle for privacy, or shower kneeling down. And when we checked out, innkeeper tried to charge us for 3 nights instead of the actual two nights that we stayed. There's more, but this should give you an idea. The one positive thing we can report is that the bed was very comfortable and we did sleep good, however, would never stay here again or recommend it to anyone.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Below is an original work, from myself. Its a short story, starring the character of my best friend...Lisa Johnson.

It is based on true events.....


A lusty tale, by Ryan Scott

Lisa Johnson finished her double shift at The Stained Napkin, and fell into an empty booth to count her tips. Sure, Lisa was turning 40, but the years of waiting tables at the local greasy spoon, didnt hinder her sex appeal. It was a good night, and Lisa let out out a husky chuckle, adding up the amount. $230.00!!!!!..." These horny locals fall so easily into my trap. My.....honey trap. This thought made Lisa laugh again, this time it was so hearty a laugh....her flesh lips quaked in their musky panty domaine, and Lisa caught herself allowing the laugh to morph into a primitive moan. " No...not yet"....whispered no one at all. Its not that Lisa was crazy. " Maybe horny crazy", mused our greasy protagonist, and with that.... she let out such a self assured guffaw, that her meow meow expanded, and a sopping kweef resounded into section 3 of the restaurant. This only got Lisa more frenetic. God, how she loved to smell her own gaping waft. An elderly couple looked over at the marinating source of the sex sound. Lisa proudly hoisted herself from her seat, walked by them, fanning herself with the cash, and said......." Thats some juice in my middle, aint it?". Laugh....did they laugh!!!!! Lisa tossed off her dirty apron. " Sorry about the twat burp", she called over her shoulder, and exited into the warm summer air.
She peered up at the moon. " oh sister moon......I feel your tidal pull,".....whispered Lisa as she pressed her cheek against the car window, peering into the night sky. " Tonight, I shall honor your ancient power." Within 15 minutes, Lisa was home. The hot water sleuced her taught body. Soapy rivers trickled down the fatty curve of her boob sphere. They continued down here steamy torso, disappearing into the billy goat beard pubic triangle, where her labe lips resided. This was a night for pleasure, and Lisa knew it. I mean...the moon.....the kweef.......the billy goat beard? I ask you!
Lisa got out of the shower, and relished the thick summer air, dancing across her naked poony. Carla had just gotten home from work, as well. Carla was Lisa's roommate, gal pal, and right hand diesel dyke. They had been friends since junior high. and they were going on nearly 25 years of Carla wanting to pounce on Lisa's meat situation. It gave Lisa a secret pang of self satisfaction, knowing that Carla ached for her. And she worked it. Sometimes, when Carla was shaving her forearms in the kitchen sink,......Lisa would flounce out of her bedroom, totally nude. She would bend over, and with lightning quick hands....would peel back her cooch cakes. " Carla....? Would you call this color hydrangea mess or baby rat? Im writing an online personal for myself. Carlas eyes dimmed, although she had a clear view of Lisa's wrinkled soul. " I dont know. Why do you need to do an online add?".....grunted the missing link. "Now quit that fuss and come over here and shave my balls."
When Lisa entered the livingroom, there was Carla......working on her car engine. Carla looked, somehow....different. Was it the moon? Could Carla feel it too? The energy of the night? Her muscled back rocked to and fro, as she screwed the valve cover into the exhaust port. Lisa felt clear creamy rush, as her panty moose salivated. She strode over to the hulking she male. Lisa flung herself on her back in front of Carla, legs in a perfect V. " You see this?", Lisa mused , accentuating every word with an upward pelvic thrust. " This is your free pass to the zoo, except this monkey doesnt throw just throws jizzgasm." The sentence was barely out of Lisa's slut mouth, before all 483 lbs of Carla was lezzing it up, on Lisa's poon piece. Oh my KNOW Lisa loved it, dear reader. Carla's 5 oclock shadow sent her raging clit into a bursting symphony of slip slop sounds. Carla released her own 13 inch clit from her overalls,, and jerked off all over Lisa's slut mouth.

And then all was silent. Silent, except for the chortling reverb from Lisa's tootie. Carla's musky sent hung in the room, and the remaining semen from her mammoth clit, danced down Lisa's flushed face. Lisa stood...wobbly.....and made her way toward her bedroom. " Hey...where you goin' ....Peacock?.....beckoned Carla. Lisa stopped, gripped the side of the door, and slowly turned. She eyed the brute, with a mischievous glimmer. " I have to get some rest. But, before that........I have to give you something." Lisa lowered herself towards the floor, and pushed out a meaty brown loaf from home plate. It plopped onto the hardwood with a weighty promise. Lisa hoisted the steamy log into her hand and hurled it at the Neanderthal victim. Carla caught the fecal onslaught, right in the squared jaw of her caveman like profile. Lisa turned, and as she exited the room said..." welcome to the zoo." She slowly faced Carla, then longingly looked out the window into the dark night. She turned, and as she slowly closed the bedroom door, whispered......" for we are all animals."......

" we are all animals"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Im about to lay out some of my latest material on you....and I just need to warn you.

Its hideously offensive.

Not offensive in the way that I like to walk into a dinner party, and go around the room to ask everyone how they feel about the word nigger, as long as youre using it on your grandmother....

Not offensive in the way I like to walk up to a urinal at an Alabama concert, and whisper under my breath things like......" im a toilet mouth slut", or " hey...fabulous balls."

Not even offensive in the way that Ill see a person in a wheel chair and laugh my ass off for 45 minutes.

Nope, this is truly saying.......

If you've suffered emotional pain from a miscarriage or abortion...

do NOT proceed.

Okay. Are they gone? Are the cool people still here?

tee hee hee.....lets go.

So, we were in New Orleans over the weekend, and after a night of imbibing of the grape...I felt like poop butt. I texted my friend Lisa in the morning, and simply said.....' I feel miscarriage-y" She immediately called me, and let me know that she is willing to ignore a fag up to a point, but the word " miscarriage-y", deserved a phone call. Little did I know that that one text message, would inspire an entire afternoon of abortion and miscarriage material.

*** I want to design a line of greeting cards. One card, depicts fluffy white clouds. Its a heavenly scene, replete with a soft blue sky, and buttery rays of sunlight, filtering through the cotton-esque clouds. In the center will be a large wire coat hanger, with a cherub faced baby perched on the side. His little angel wings gently float out to the sides, and a small halo hovers around his smooth, bald head. He is staring up to the awaiting pearly gates, and he is holding a small harp. On the simply says....

" Congrat-abortions."

The other card is a water color scenerio. Spring time trees, just beginning to bloom their young buds. A meadow, dancing with the vibrant colors of June's flowers. A trickling stream, grazing lambs......butterflys. The card opens to reveal...

" This was going to be a sympathy card for your miscarriage....but I heard that the father was black. So I guess..... congratulations!!!"

*** I also really feel like there should be a drag queen named Missy Carriage. She would kind of barely be able to maneuver...and come out of from side stage.... in a slow, labored way. She would mostly be bald, but with just a few little fine strands of hair coming down, and she would have a featureless face except for bright red, glamorous lips. She would be covered in blood like Sissy Spacek from Carrie, she'd be holding a huge dirty martini, and a long fleshly pink chord would be coming out of the bottom of her dress. The song she lip syncs to?

" I will survive".

*** I like to use my friend Lisa in a lot of scenerios...mostly because she is a whore and has had a ton of abortions and miscarriages.


" Lisa, have you ever gone to the toilet, pulled out your tampon...saw a little shrimp attached to it, and yelled out.....IM GONNA NAME YOU SCAMPI!!!!"


One time a bunch of friends and I were at dinner with Lisa. She excused herself from the table, went to the restroom, and came back 20 minutes later. Everyone said..."gosh Lisa, what took you so long?

She grabbed her fork, pounded it against the table and yelled......" Urgh!!! I just had a miscarriage and I feel ten pounds lighter! WHO WANTS DESSERT?!?!"


One time Russ and I were watching this show about strange sexual fetishes. One of shows was about people who were in three way relationships. One was about a 75 year old woman named Hattie who only dates guys under 30. One was about women who had intense orgasms while in child birth. So....of course....

I picture my friend Lisa, laying down on the gurney. Her legs are up, and the doctor is sucking out her unborn child. She begins to writhe and moan, licking her glossy lips and tweaking her nipples......theres just something about getting an abortion that gets her off. She peaks all over the place, and when she is done......she looks through her legs and says...." is your name Doctor Goldenstein......or Doctor Casanova!


Thats when he looks up at her through her legs, and gives her a mischievous grin, and bloody thumbs up.


" you want a cocktail"

" Well I really should'nt.....but....wait one second".

( She pelvic thrusts, and kweefs)

" Shit, that one was a boy. "


Lisa...after your next abortion, I want you to put your lips right up to John's ears as he is about to insert it in you, and say..." treat my vagina like the cemetery that it is. " Wouldnt that be hot?

Okay everyone...well.....Im off to Hell. Kisses.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Im not really the world's biggest fan of children. In small doses, and individually....sure. I can hang out......... maybe get my coloring on, watch some Sponge Bob. No problem. But mostly, I have zero patience for the screaming, the snot, and the whining. I dont have time for their attention hog ways, and big doe eyes.

And if the kids are white.....

GROAN. Double whammy.

Black kids are cuter than white kids, and dont act like you dont agree. Whenever someone shows me their new born white baby, Im always like....." Ya. Wow. Nice pink blotches and featureless dough face. So, the dad hot, and is he bi-curious?" When I see a little black baby, my obsession is scorching hot, and complete....and if Im not able to taste little black baby toes, then you'll KNOW what screaming, snot, and whining is all about. It'll all be coming from my face, out of the pure frustration of not being able to have little chocolate bite-ables in my salivating mouth.

Now and again, people ask Russ and I if we would ever adopt.

" oh...we plan on it," I say. " but only black babies. I point my finger hard into their chest, emphasizing each syllable. I look stearnly into their eyes, so they know I mean business.

"o-nly black ba-bies."

We will adopt 5, total....and we have them all planned out.

#1. Chardonnay:

Chardonnay is the hottest little bitch you're ever going to meet, and that's all there is. Next time you open a Cosmo magazine to get an eye full of perfection, immediately realize that your search is fruitless, call Naomi Campbell's management team to book her a first class airline ticket to where you are, allow her punch you in the collarbone with blood diamonds until you RECOGNIZE, then show her a picture of little she can reel, squeal, and politely step off of the cat walk, to allow TRUE brown succulence to set it on fire.


Chardonnay is the beauty pageant baby. We arent going to bother with putting her into school, because she is pretty. Plus, that cuts into rehearsal time. I dont care if she is only four. She BETTER work that shit, and work it CORRECT. If not, then itll be another sleepless night of watching the Beyonce Live In London DVD, over...and over....and over...and over...and over.....and over....


" Oh, youre tired, and you want some water? HHhhhmmm....then maybe you SHOULD'VE done

prance, prance, head flip, wink, shoulder shimmy, pussy pop....

instead of....

prance, prance, head flip, wink, GLAMOR HANDS, pussy pop.

WHO'S A LITTLE IDIOT?!?!??!? YOU, ......IDIOT!!! Now hit "play", again...and watch how Beyonce doesnt screw shit up. And would it kill you to wet your lips?

Parenting is so difficult. Dont act like you know.


Little Vagenta is the real sister to Chardonnay. She is very plain looking, but bordering on hideous. She is too thin, and gangley. Her nose is kind of like a Jew nose, but on a little black girl. She is most definitely wearing coke bottle glasses, and her hair is a shit mess. You cant do a single thing with it. She is a smarty pants like no other, and is always in the library. In reality, she longs to be Chardonnay. She wants glitz, glamor, and craves to be in spotlight. We keep her locked up in the attic when Chardonnay is in rehearsal, because Vagenta's pleading stare just makes her face look even more like rotting puke mixed with shit. Add a pleading stare onto an already hideous monstrosity...and its "lunch coming up", time. She can hear Chardonnay practicing, so she opens the attic window, and sings into the cool night air. Her voice is like melted honey. She is pitch perfect. Tiny blue birds perch on a branch near by, to hear the melodious tune. Vagenta looks up at the black sky, and a tiny tear trickles down her cheek. Thats when I march upstairs and chuck an encyclopedia at her esophagus. "NO SINGING!!!! YOURE TOO UGLY TO SING!"

See? Encouraging children to pursue their strengths, also falls under...' good parenting". Youre learning so much!

You're welcome.


Little Soiree is borderline retarded, but in a crazy/life of the party/fun way!!! We dont bother sending her to school either, because she makes us laugh..and thats what keeps Russ from slipping into a gruesome depression over the fact that we now have children together, and there is now no chance of him being free of my maniacal grip.......

"You hear that, Russ?......NO CHANCE!!!


We are sure to teach Soiree every swear word by the age of 3, and what is so great about Soiree.... is her ability to repeat, like a cockatoo. We'll go to the grocery store, place her in the front of the carriage, pause while we are in the seafood department, and force her to call out...

" cunt explosion......aisle 5. "

Oh Soiree. Hurry up and turn 21, so we can dump Ecstasy down your throat, and take you to every gay rave in the US and Canada.

Pork Fried Rice:

Little Pork Fried Rice is our Asian baby. She is a silky haired lotus, and doesn't speak. Thats fine, because she is a violin prodigy, and she dont need to talk, thank you!!!! She is terrified of Soiree, which is why we lock both of them in a closet sometimes, and just guffaw about it. Children truly DO provide so much joy!!!!

Harvey Milk:

I was with Russ recently, and saw an African American albino boy, in downtown Boston. He was very Justin Timberlake-ish but not as wigga. I was immediately obsessed and wanted to touch his blondish/reddish afro, while I placed my face inches from his, and just stared into his pinkish eyes. I withheld, because I didnt feel like going to prison that day. But I want one. Ill hold up my tanned arm next to his milky white arm and then say...." Janet, Michael......Janet, Michael." Then Ill say....

"I am white, but my skin is brown. You are black, but your skin is white. "

Ill pause for a moment to really let that set in, but then Soiree will bust through the door, push him to the ground, call him a cum stain, then start biting his legs.

Russ and I will sit back, warmly smile, put our arms around each other, stare at our family, and then remember that Vagenta has been locked in the attic for 8 days with no food or water. Then we'll relax, because its not like it was Chardonnay or Soiree.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"MOAN"-A LISA!!!!!!!

WARNING!!!! EVERYTHING in all of my blogs, is 100% factual. Absolutely NOTHING is fabricated.

My best friend's name is Lisa, and I abuse the mother fucking shit out of her. We have been friends for over 20 years, so who is the actual person with severe mental deficiency? The abuser, or the one who keeps coming back for more....2 decades in a row? I think its kind of like the battered wife, who just cant seem to leave.... although she knows she should. Ill give Lisa a good verbal backhand like....." Really Lisa? Youre gonna cream? I mean, okay. But dont expect ME to do your errands, when you lose your foot to Diabetes. She ALWAYS comes back for more. I mean the abuse...AND the ice cream.

I met Lisa when I was 16, and she was 49. Lol. Did you read that Lisa?!?!? Or do you even get the joke?

Sigh...See, cause that would make you almost 70 years old now, Lisa.

Forget it people. She doesn't get the joke. Arent old, heavy people just sad?

Lisa tells the story about how when she was a young teenager, she was watching Eddie Murphy on Saturday Night Live. He was doing a skit where he was a queeny hairdresser, and according to her....thats when she thought...

" Ive gotta get me one of those".

And boy did she ever. She found the best one!

My abuse to Lisa, and varied and brutal. I really like to come at her from every angle, and here are just a few of the ways I make sure she doesn't get too full of herself.


#1. you ever just sit..... and try to picture what your sister's vagina looks like?

#2. Lisa, when its time to be intimate with John, do you ever.....lay there, and as he is crawling on top of you ever place your lips right next to his ear, and say something like...

- " Make love to me, for I am your wife ....and the mother of your children. Enter me, where those very children came out. "

* Im also going to throw into this section, the fact that Im CONSTANTLY trying to talk Lisa into introducing another person into her marriage. "Lisa, wouldn't it be sexy if...I dont know..maybe some night John came home with some woman he met out at a bar named Brenda. She has black hair, but its the kind of black thats too black....and has been dyed too much with a sweet box of CVS brand hair color. She likes a good ciggy, first thing in the morning, and her vagina smells like abortions. She loves a nice acid washed jean short, and wears a bandanna tied around her wrist. She loves Joan Jett, and WWF. Maybe in the morning, you get out of bed, and youre making breakfast. Your kids are at the table waiting, and they notice the strap of your too thin nighty, keeps falling over your shoulder. But you dont care..because you know PASSION! Youre cooking up some eggs, and the scents from the night before, waft from your fingers up to your alert nostrils. MMMmm....abortions, and eggs!

Isnt it ironic? Dont you think?

John saunters out, with a devil may care grin. ' Oh...hello Mrs. Johnson,"...he says. He pats you on the fanny as he takes a seat. " Oh...good morning Mr Johnson. Would you like eggs?.......

or legs?"

This is when Lisa lets out a throaty chortle... from her lips...and...."her lips".

Thats when Brenda comes out from the bedroom and the children look up.

" Girls....this is Brenda. She'll be sharing our life......"

Lisa walks to Brenda, and presses a lingering kiss on her dry, barren lips.

"She is earth, air, fire, and water. Especially water....

in my panty no no."

Eh, she still isnt going for it. ill keep working on it.
#3. (on the phone). haven't gotten any fatter have you? You were PRETTY big the last time I saw you.

#4. My introduction to someone she doesn't know...." This is my friend Lisa. She has long black hairs growing out of her nipples.

#5. (While in the produce aisle of a grocery store.) " Lisa......this apple looks good!" ( I proceed to drag my nostrils over the entire body of the apple while sniffing..and then return it to the pile.) " NOPE!!! That one wasnt good. Lisa? ...LISA?!?!?!? Where are you going?

#6. Lisa....would you rather give me oral sex or eat out a REALLY dirty stranger's pussy? And I mean...REALLY blow me. Just sucking, all night long. Going for broke. Lisa? Are you picturing it?

#7. Lisa, I love your hair color. Its like God puked, spun it into gold, and then stuck it on your head.

#8. Lisa.....when you're putting in a you ever just throw your head back, lick your fire engine red lips, and savor the sensation?

#9. (When somebody mistakes us for being married). " ME?!?!? MARRIED TO HER?!?!? thank you. Im all set with AIDS.

#10. Lisa....has anyone ever told you that you have cow tits?

#11. (Again...upon introducing her to someone she doesnt know). This is my friend Lisa. What would you say you like least about her? Her muffin top or camel toe?" Lisa....turn around they can really see your muffin top.

#12. ( When we are in a public, confined area). Urgh! Lisa! Im buying some handy wipes...I can smell your quim!!! What? one knows what a "quim", is.


#1. I REALLY like it when we are in an Applebee's parking lot, or any very public place, and grab her from behind and just ram her ass as hard as I can. She screams, but then I remind her that I need to let people see that she is getting what she deserves. Its most effective when screaming out, " Take it, bitch!" or, " Youve been waiting for this all night, whore!

2. When we find ourselves on a dance floor, and Lisa's had herself a Long Island Iced Tea.....she has a patented dance move. That move is.....I come up behind her, grab her by the hands...and make her jerk off for everyone. I forcefully guide her hand down to her crotch, and she GOES TO TOWN. I berate for being so horny and for being DISGUSTING because I know she gets off on people watching. She just keeps on dancin' and jerkin'. Its who she is.

#3. Im forever hand raping her jugs. Im always trying to undo her bra, put my finger in her butt, or caress her loins. I try to soothe her by saying, ' c'mom baby, its gonna feel good. Isnt it hot knowing that I have been with thousands of men, but Im attracted to YOU, Lisa? Can you smell them on me? Ya? But I want YOU, Lisa? isnt that hot? "


-White Shart Johnson
-Low Tide Johnson
-Juicy Rewards Johnson
-Juicy Details Johnson
-Juicy Contradictions Johnson
-Neptune's Garden Johnson
-Soft & Crafty Johnson
-Thick & Thirsty Johnson
-Burly Angel
-Loads of Hope Johnson
-Thunder Fuck Johnson
-Pillow Fuck Johnson

In closing, I love Lisa like Ive loved no other. She is my earth, air, fire, and water. Especially water. Because she loves it when I piss on her face.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


You know what? Since you asked..... Its no secret that I hold a HUGE amount of contempt for a certain group, out there. If you fall into the list of being born....

1. Male

2. White

3. Straight

4. Upper middle class to wealthy

5. Republican.

Then YOU sir...are a massive douche, and should immediately crash your slate grey BMW with a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker..... RIGHT into the nearest tree. ( That no doubt..... your grandfather and his buddies hung blacks from, back in the day). My friends and I will stand around and laugh...sip on our Bailey's on ice.......and remark on how quickly white Republicans go up in a blaze. We will ALSO comment on how delicious Bailey's on ice is. Then we'll watch the devil materialize from the ground, snatch you up.......turn to us and wink as if to say......" I know JUST what to do with this douche-tastic fuck stick", and disappear into the dark earth, below. Then we're OUTTA THERE, because Im all set with the scent of burning flesh. Believe me......I know that smell, well. I myself, may have burned up a body or two on the dance floor.


These "holier than thou", "Im better than you", "never been knocked down a peg" mother fuckers make me want to puke out of my nose. Im a big believer that its the act of life nailing you in the balls ( or vaginal bone), with a steel tipped boot....that makes you a kinder, gentler person. These guys were born with EVERY advantage, got EVERYTHING they ever wanted in life with little to no work, were praised from the word go, and had ZERO obstacles.

Those....dear readers.....are all of the ingredients to make a person who is vile, obnoxious....and most of all....CANT TAKE A FUCKING JOKE. Which personally.....I find to be the most deplorable of all human qualities.

That, and being a country music fan.

Sorry. Unless youre The Dixie Chicks and youre slamming George Bush at some concert.....I just cant. I cant do twangy hick tunes.

( and by the did you like that sweet reference from an event in 2007? ) Ryan!!! Youre so current!!!!

PPPffftt. Then YOU start a blog that has readers in the tens, and let me see how fresh you keep the shit, Judgey!

Anyhoo. What also kills me about this select group of people, is the way they can get super bloated, and rock a sweet muffin top with fatty sausage fingers like Linda Ronstadt, and STILL strut down the hallway like they are top stud.

Your name is definitely Tanner or Corey. ( Urgh.....I just puked a little.) You grew up in some asshole suburb in Connecticut .....about 45 minutes outside of Manhattan. Your dad is a plastic surgeon and your mom " volunteers." She is also rocking a massive Valium addiction. ( Which is the ONLY thing that is semi-cool about your family.) Your dad was a high school football star, much like you were. And you both ABSOLUTELY date raped some poor girl who was enthralled with your douchey high school power. I see you!!!!! Your mom grew up the daughter of a Pastor, but she had a sweet rack and fucked everyone in sight, which is how your mom and dad met and eventually married. You grew up in a 1.5 million dollar house, and you had a German Shepard named Tucker. ( God...fucking white people). You teased the gay kid at your school mercilessly, but once a month or so, picked him at 10 at night, parked down the street, and had him blow you. You never had a summer job, but instead spent weekends in Maine with your other douchey fuck wad friends...smoking pot and listening to Led Zeppelin. SO EDGEY!!!! Nobody else did that before or after you! Way to be on the tip! You went to Middlebury or Bowdoin, and your father paid cash for all four years. He also gave you a credit card, but you were only allowed to spend $10,000.00 a month. ( Well, he'd allow a little more if you REALLY needed it.) Now youre an upper level douche manager at some cooperation, where....yes...people are still bowing down to you. You pull in a couple hundred thousand a year and drink dirty martinis with GREY GOOSE ONLY! And pity the poor waiter who gets it wrong. You also smoke cigars. You hate it, but your buddies do it. How do you spell poser? T-A-N-N-E-R. Youre about to marry some sweet girl who is WAY hotter than you, but you still love to hire hookers from Craigslist when you're traveling for work. ( Both male, female, and " in the middle"). You treat them like shit, and always short them $40.00...just because you feel like it. You golf every weekend, and just bought front row tickets to the Nickleback show!

Good for you!

Know whats sad? NOBODY PUTS THEM IN CHECK!!!!

Why? Ill tell you why. Even if somebody were to give it to them and give it to them good...they wouldnt hear shit. Its their world. Its a white, straight, money loving world....and you and I dear reader...are on the outs. Know that I say to that?





Friday, August 20, 2010


Sometimes, I like to just have nice little sit.....pour myself a delicious mid morning Jagermeister shot or six, tear myself off of the "transsexuals seeking men" section of Craigslist, and just let my mind wander.

When I do this, the very first thing that pops into my head, is .....

" How do I get that hot Guinea, slut cop who is always over seeing street construction in my area... to come to my house while Russ is at work, and pretend that Im a Hispanic felon with a rap sheet a mile long.... and a real chip on my shoulder. I HAVE to be Hispanic in this scenario, because they break laws.

He's taking me through the booking process ,and Im just being a real dick, and SUPER hispanc-y about the whole thing. Im all.....' cholo, puta, ese...", and that sexy cop is just not having it. He's gotta pull me into a separate holding room, because Im causing too much of a scene....and thats when that muscle bitch cop notices that my mouth looks an awful lot like the vagina of the underage prostitute he arrested last week....and then its fucking ON!!!!!

The other thing that I dream about, is being a contestant in a beauty pageant. This is the more likely of the two fantasies... because I'm AMAZING looking.

And heres the thing that Im not sure you people are really getting. When I say " amazing", what I mean is.... REALLY REALLY good looking.


You'll immediately punch your spouse in the neck, for not being me. The first time you see this vision in a "too tight for his age" t-shirt, coming in your direction, its over. We WILL end up inside each other. I hope you've had your HPV vaccination.

I would love to be a contestant in a beauty pageant, not only for the opportunity to have sex with the z- list celebrity judges... ( Im looking RIGHT at you, Nick Lachey), but so that I could really give the audience some answers to remember, when the Q&A section rolls around.


What is one negative thing that you would change about the current world today...and why?


"PPppffftt. Ill tell you what I would change. All the FUCKING white people. Id kill off all the crackers....and in the most brutal fashion possible. They can all take their " paying taxes"....and " mojitos"...and their " Journey's Greatest Hits" CD's, and go screw. Id gather all the beautiful, sassy sista' s and the chocolate Neanderthals with their penis's of might.....and pop pussy all night long on top of the rotting carcases of Caucasian McWhitey. Then we'd eat Chicken and Waffles."

Black people love chicken waffles. Oh, forget it. Its not funny if I have to explain it.


If you could have a conversation with one historical figure living or dead, who would it be, and why?


"I would choose Michael Jackson. My first question to Michael would be, " What did it feel like to constantly be out done by Latoya? In EVERY way. My second question would be....." to get a five year old's blood and tears mixture out of sequins...did you use bleach and water.....or just straight laundry detergent? "

( then I would chuckle, because I had just used the words ' Michael Jackson", and " straight", in the same sentence. The host of the show would laugh too.....and then thrust his pelvis into the front row)

( Question:)

Working with a charity, is always a requirement of the current title holder. if you win, what charitable organization would you work with, and why?


"Well, first off..I get your implication of " charity work", and I WILL NOT be sitting on your face later, back in your hotel suite. "

( for under $500.00 cash or money order for that same amount)

"I plan on working with retards. You know....retards....hold such a special place, for me. Sure some people laugh at their forever drool string... coming out of their mouths, or the googley eyes.... or mis-shapen claw hands. But NOT ME!

( This is where I put my hand to my heart, and look off into the distance. Im dewy and glamorous).

"I mean...sure..... I laugh for a second. But then I feel sad....but then feel happy that Im not like that!!!! And isn't being happy, whats it all about?"

The crowd erupts into thunderous roars, and Im crowned the winner!

Thats when Im yanked from this dream world, by the sound of someone crawling through my living room...trying to steal my big screen TV. Thank God he is Hispanic, and thank god I know of a certain cop down the street who wont put up with his ethnic felonies.

And Russ wont be home from work HOURS!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


A few nights ago, Russ and I went to dinner with a group of friends. Our very good friends Dave and Mary sat across from us, and Mary was directly across from me. Mary is a sinewy gazelle. She is a lot like Mary Tyler Moore, but different..... in that Im pretty sure Mary Tyler Moore wouldnt call someone a cunt, if they cut her off while driving.

To me, just one more reason to shun THAT poser Mary, and to worship OUR Mary. She's classy, and artsy, and edgy....and if she happens to run into you in a Target unexpectedly.....she'll pretty much throws her bags in the air, punch the person next to her, and yell out a rape scream that will shatter glass, out of the pure, unadulterated joy that comes from the surprise encounter.

Here is her blog. Its much classier than mine, in the way that she really refrains from talking about assholes. How she does it, Ill never know. Ive worked the word "asshole", into a eulogy.

As the meal progressed, Mary and I got to talking about my recent high school reunion. Just a few days ago, I went back to central Maine for it. I grew up in a very small town, smack in the middle of the state. My town was essentially a paper milling town, with some smaller surrounding farming communities. There was also a J.C. Penney. Calm down lesbians, I can hear you salivating. Yes, please pack up your frowns, agendas, and budgeting paperwork, load it all into your Forester Outbacks, and gun it to central Maine. Youll fist yourself from the joy of living with tractors and endless pine trees.

And the constant fragrance of seafood.

While the area may be a diesel dyke utopia, the trueness of it, is that it is a seriously impoverished area. Pretty much nothing has changed in the past 60 years. There is little to no opportunity, and the way of thinking is very much...' it was good enough before, and its good enough now.". Its that very way of thinking that keeps Maine as beautiful, pure, and untouched as it is...... but it is the very thing that holds it back, and keeps people from getting in, or leaving. Most people live 5 miles from the house they grew up in, and very rarely travel much beyond that.

I.....on the other hand........felt the paper of my high school diploma hit my palm, I packed up my Rhythm Nation 1814 CD, and RAAAAAAAN the shit outta that place.

As I talked to Mary about my experience with the reunion, I found myself recounting to her the memories of my senior year. I was walking down the hallway one day, and I was attacked by 5 guys. They shoved my face into a wall, kicked me in the head and gut, and took off laughing. My braces had just come off a few days of course being the huge homo that I very first thought was...." Aw, fuck!!! There goes my new set of gorgeous, perfectly straight pearly whites!!!!" I collected myself as best as I could, and got up.

The thing that stings...even to this that the friend that I was walking with, turned and walked away in the other direction...... as if nothing ever happened. He would never speak to me again. And the sad thing is, at the time......I didnt blame him.

By the end of the day, the entire school had heard about what happened, and no matter where I went, people pointed and laughed. I walked out in the middle of 5th period, and didnt come back.

The guys who did it, basically got a slap on the wrist. I had to quit school 4 months before graduating. At that point, some of the local papers had picked up on the story, and then some of the state papers. Every day it grew, and before long, some of my friends began protesting outside the school. I was like Norma Rae, but with New Kids On The Block haircut! I had decided to get my GED taking night classes, but quickly nixed that, as I found out that people were planning on waiting for me in the dark, if I did that.

Fucked up, right?

Eventually, I was talked into returning. Im happy that I did, and walking into that school on my first day back, was one of the hardest things Ive ever done.

The remaining months until graduation went by without any incident, until marching ceremonies, approached. I found out that a group of kids were planning on pelting me with eggs when I got up to get my diploma. I didnt want to go down like that...after everything that I had been through....especially in front of my family. I wanted to just go to the school office that morning to get my diploma, and skip the whole thing. My friends encouraged me to march with my head up high. Im the biggest pussy in the entire world, and Im also a complete doormat, and will do pretty much anything Im told I caved.

I waited in line to walk up on the stage, and Ill never forget this. My hands shook so badly, that I had to keep them fisted into a ball. Sweat POURED out from underneath my cap. I moved closer and closer to the stage, and finally they announced my name. I walked up, already wincing, as I could feel the phantom eggs smashing into my face and chest. My plan was to walk/run....grab the paper....just get it over as quickly as I could, with as little egg on me as possible.

Its really pretty much a blur up to the point that the superintendent shook my hand. It was a firm handshake, that was forceful enough to let me know that he wanted me to slow my pace, and stop. I remember looking at his face, and he looked at me with such warmth and respect...that it jarred me out of the panicky fog that I had been in, for the past 15 minutes. I looked out to the crowd, and I didnt see eggs flying into my direction.

What I was saw was, a standing ovation. I heard people cheering. There were no eggs. Just support. Just love. I barely made it to the other side of the stage before I completely broke down.

Even now, as I type these heart is racing ,and my eyes are misty. This story doesnt make me look sexy. It isnt funny. I very much feel exposed. I guess that I WANT to share this. If Im going to be dedicated to this project...its important to be real, and honest.

Sigh, deep breath.

I looked at Mary, and she grabbed my hand, and she had tears in her eyes. Just another reason why we love Mary, so much.

I want to end this by saying that, the first part of my teen early adult years.... I endured abuse from every angle. I wont share it all now, though.

I would carry the thought through out my life, that if you take a tea cup and hurl it against the wall as hard as can try to glue it back together....

But it will never be as good as it was before.

I always saw myself as that tea cup, glued and taped back together as best as I could. But never as good as another cup who hadn't suffered such trauma.

It wasnt until recently, I realized that often, its the process of glueing yourself back together, that makes you better than you ever could've been before. Maybe even stronger and wiser, BECAUSE of being shattered apart.

Im still trying to get it right,and fit those broken pieces back together, just so. Ill keep you posted............

asshole! ( I couldnt resist)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I work in holistic health and skin care.....and really do prefer to work exclusively from my office, as it is not only a beautiful setting, but its almost essential to perform most services from a stationary place. There is no way that I can bring everything that I feel is important to a separate location, to really make it the same experience as it is, if you come to me.

I got a phone call one day, and the request was for me to come to the home of some very casual acquaintances of my boyfriend, at the time. I 99.9% of the time, dont go to peoples houses, but since my boyfriend sort of knew them, and business at the time was anything but stellar, I agreed to go. I didnt know these two guys at all, but I had heard their names through out the course of my relationship, here and there. I knew that the older of the two, was a very respected mental health professional, and the Grand Poobah of the leather scene, in the city that I lived in. I was very green back then, and didnt really know all that much about leather, S&M, or fetish. The most hardcore I got, was getting my feet rubbed, and....oooooohhh!!!!!......did you say you did the dishes, too? FUCK YA, DADDY! Thats about how intense I got.

They booked me for 90 minute massage therapy sessions, back to back. I packed up my table, linens, & oils, and headed out. I drove through a very beautiful, exclusive neighborhood, found the address, and parked. I unloaded all of my belongs, and made the trek down the long, dark driveway that lead to a large, 2 million dollar home. It was Christmas time, and as I got closer to the front door...I noticed a life sized stuffed Santa Claus, just to the left of the doorbell. Santa was about 6ft, and was shackled with his hands behind his back. His feet were bound, and .....Santa had been a misbehaved little bitch, was also gagged.

What? Whats wrong with that?

Ill tell you whats wrong with that.

EVERYONE and their aunt Colleen, knows that Santa is a sadistic, cigar smoking top daddy, NOT a sniveling subservient.

Jesus......way to ruin Christmas, Mr psychologist!

My alarm only increased, as I looked around to see that all the potted plants that lined the outdoors deck, were all in pig themed planters. There was a pig welcome mat, a pig shaped doorbell, and pig figurines all over the place.

Clearly this night was going to end with me, replacing the stuffed Santa. I want you to know that I rang the doorbell, ONLY because my partner sort of knew these guys. If that weren't the case, I would've high tailed it to the nearest church so I could beg Jesus to release Santa from his Saw part IV, prison.

I mean...bitch has a job to do, and I was expecting to receive a new pair of Puma sneakers that year. That aint happening if he's getting his bondage sex on, with two yahoos in a million dollar house.

When the door opened, I saw a guy in his mid 50's, staring at me. He was waaaay too intense the second he started talking. Every sentence was perfectly measured, and his tone was so sedate and calm...I immediately knew that he was trying to decide what size catheter he would be placing in me. John Travolta hit the nail on the god damned head when he sang about having the chills, and feeling them multiply...because I was a nervous wreck. I was also grossed out, and really feeling like...."oh for Christ's sake, nigga. Take it down a peg"

He gave me a small tour of the living room, dining-room, and kitchen. It TRULY was a beautiful home. Well, it WOULD BE beautiful... if normal people lived there. In the living room, over the $10,000 sofa, hung a massive oil painting of one guy, ramming his fist into another guy's ass.

I dont know about you, but nothing says " Christmas" to me, like a fisty salute, done in oil paint. A similar painting of said fist....but pulling out a dollar bill, says " Hanukkah"....

We sat down in the kitchen, and Papa mental patient let me know that his partner was in the shower, and would be out in just a minute. He was full on looming over, and his gaze was so set into mine, that I found it difficult to keep looking him in the eye. So I focused on a sculpture of a massive blue cock that was on the kitchen table. You're not a hearding dog, and Im not a sheep, so bring that intense glare, down to a holler. ( although I have been mistaken for a little baby lamb, Im so god damned adorable.

He let me know that he would just write me a check right then, to make sure that all the finances were taken care, and out of the way. I said that was no problem at all. He wrote me a check and I looked at it. It was for $20.00 less than the amount that I had quoted him. I pointed that out, and his barrel chest puffed out. " Uh, you quoted me a completely different price on the phone, and NOW YOURE TELLING ME SOMETHING DIFFERENT!?!?!?!?"

First off, I never quoted you a different price. My rates had been the same forever. Second....I get this whole, " intimidation", thing you have going on right now.....but Im not bound and gagged Santa, youre NOT my leather daddy, and Im staring at a cock sculpture that costs hundreds of dollars. Just hand over the god damned $20.00, and shove a ball gag in your mouth.


The boyfriend appeared in the kitchen a few minutes later, dressed in a bathrobe. He was diminutive in stature and size, maybe in his mid 30's. He was actually very sweet.

"Sir, Im all done with my shower."

" Okay, slave. Head downstairs, and we'll be right there."

Um. Hang on, one second. Youre fucking kidding, right? Did you guys just call each other "Sir", and ' slave"? I think that the look on my face said it all, because he looked at me as Slave went downstairs, and explained that this was all a part of their lifestyle. Sir tells slave when he can piss, eat, and sleep. Slave doesnt work, and either stays in a large cage, or locked up in a room until Sir gets home. He speaks when spoken to, and basically is.....a .....slave.

Get it?

Again. I just want to say here, that all I want is for someone to rub my feet. And Ill go piss when I feel like it, thank you..... or if a hot blond surfer just got stung by a jellyfish. The fact that Im aiming for his face, and not the sting....doesnt concern you...NOSEY!

We walked downstairs, and we passed their Christmas tree. The tree was hung upside down by a huge chain, so the pointy part was going towards the floor. At the point of the tree, was a Satan mask. I dont believe in Jesus Christ one little bit, but then and there....I was just waiting for Linda Blair to jump out of the tree and ram a crucifix in her tuna sanctuary, right before my very eyes. Every second that went by got more and more insane, and as I descended the staircase to the lower levels of the house, I seriously contemplated if id ever see the light of day, again.

They led me to a room that was covered in black tarp, floor to ceiling, had a leather sling, a huge dildo collection, and the largest can of Crisco Id ever seen. There was a large sign on the wall that said...' What daddy wants, daddy gets." Im just stabbing in the dark here, but is there any chance daddy wants some Xanax, to CHILL THE FUCK OUT WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT?!?!?? Fucking seriously? EVERY room? Every room has to have some sadistic shit? I love Swedish fish candies like a bitch.....but Im not decorating my entire bedroom in them.

Daddy left the room, and it was time to work on slave. I set up the sheets, went to the bathroom, and came back. He was laying face down, but with a thick silver dog collar still around his neck. I asked him if he could remove it, so I could start, but he informed that fact could NOT, as it was a symbol of Sir's ownership, over him.


Listen, I just play up my to boyfriend's insecurities every chance I get. Its like an invisible collar, and it allows him to get a massage with no hassle. I said Id work around it, but then noticed dozens of purple welts, criss crossing his back. " Are you okay?", I asked, as I placed my hand on his back. " Oh yes," said slave. Im proud of those."

You know what Im proud of? I still know all the words to the rap section in "Cold Hearted Snake", by Paula Abdul.

I noticed that he had on his underwear as I adjusted the sheet. This struck me as odd, because they didnt strike me as the shy, type. I told him that its easier for him to be nude under the sheet, so I could work on the hips and the glutes. His response?

" I cant, because Im fighting an infection on my asshole, right now".

That was it. I took the check, handed it to him, packed up my stuff ,and walked out. I got home and told my boyfriend about everything that happened. To his defense, he really DID feel terrible about letting me go, and saying that he knew them, and that it would be okay. I just latched the cage door, and told him no more talking.

And if he thought he was going to be able to go pee before bedtime, he had another thing coming.

They're called, " Rules". Santa will tell you about them.