Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So......a week and a half until I depart for Atlanta!

My relationship with Boston is a strained one. Its kind of like.........ok.....you know those mornings when you wake up and going to the gym is THE LAST thing you want to do....but you force yourself to do it? While you hate every single second of it, you know its good for you in the end? Yeah.....there you have it. Thats how Boston and I relate to each other.

Id like to say that Boston and I have the type of relationship where it doesnt bother ME, and I dont bother IT. I consistently do my best to keep out of Boston's face, but it keeps sending me people who slam doors in my face, lay on the horn if I pause any longer than 2 seconds when the light turns green, and summers that top off at 99 degrees with 100 humidity, followed by soaking wet mud filled springs....and the winters? Give me a break. If hypothermia is your thing, then book your tickets anywhere from November to April.

But here's the kicker. Boston has been GOOD for me. I moved here two years ago, and when I did...oh my god......if you Googled the word " mess", my hypnotic yet sexually endearing face would pop up. You know how life sometimes just comes up behind you and body slams you into the nearest cement wall....then turns around and laughs as it counts the money it just stole from your wallet? Yah..that was me from about 2002 to 2009. If there was a poor decision to be made....I feel pretty comfortable in telling you to place all your bets on me.

When I met a wonderful man, and had the beginnings of a successful career, and moved into a beautiful home...I went into a panic. Im not struggling? Im not suffering? Im clicking into something other than survival mode? I couldnt deal. I was a fish out of water. I looked at all that SHOULD be making me happy, and all I felt was fear.

But dear reader....I sent my round, gorgeous, bubble butt to the nearest shrink....and allowed myself to grieve my past, feel some compassion for the little boy and young adult that I was, and allow myself to be happy and NOT have it feel like a sinful luxury that will dissipate as soon reality comes crashing back all around me.

My reality? In Boston I found a love that I think I will have until the day I die. And yes....you can place a bet on that. I rediscovered a gift I have, that got all blurry in a past life that was born out of serious trauma. Know what else I found in Boston? I found me a a sassy brunette who so thoughtfully threw me a " RELO-GAY-TION TO AIDS- LANTA" party. Anybody who does shit like that? Im in love. She is one hot bitch, and Im going to miss her terribly. Love to Shannon McLeod, aka...."Toilet Pussy McLoad". Dave and Mary? Please.......who's a cooler, more WONDERFUL couple than you? Oh...Me and Russ? Yes....I guess youre right. Most of all.... I redefined a friendship of 20 years, that like a fine wine.......makes me all warm and fuzzy...and then the next day has me hugging the nearest toilet, begging for mercy.

God, Lisa...IM KIDDING!!!!!

Btw, this is turning very " Wizard Of Oz".....

" Scarecrow...Ill miss you most~!"

Finally.....when I leave this city of Boston, Im also leaving a restaurant. This restaurant in particular is where Russ and I went on out first date. We had our one year anniversary celebration, there. Since that night of our first date, it has become our home. We sit at the bar when we go now....not at a table....and we laugh, and we gossip, and eat and drink, and I have lost countless, drunken hours on those bar stools.......Im SURE making a HUGE ass of myself. While Boston was doling out snow storms, and aggressive drivers, and sour dispositions....it also gave me a whole slew of little gems, inside that very restaurant. Tara, and Andrew...my god. When I think of not having you guys near me, my heart aches. Youre like my pushers, and im a filthy junky needing a fix. A filthy junky with the deadest forehead, this side of Beverly Hills. I love you both, and I think that...just maybe...you guys helped me soften my stance on Boston. Amanda.....Renee.....Michaela....TJ.....BUTTERFLY!!!! Youre the funner, nicer, more pleasant family I never had.

Oh Boston...fine...youre not that bad! I leave a better man, than when I arrived on your frosty, icy streets. Maybe.....those frosty, icy streets that I detest so much are a big reason for that. Damn, I hate irony.


1 comment:

  1. I was just catching up on my "Oh That Ryan" reading and am so touched by this shout-out. So sweet, Ryan! Thank you! I miss you guys already and can't wait to hear all the fun tales from your fabulous Atlanta adventure. Timing is everything in life and I'm so glad we had a chance to get to know Boston (and our fine men!) together. xoxo!
